
Will I get stretchmarks after a breast enhancement?

Stretchmarks are scars on the skin. Not due to a cut, but from the tension which something has exerted upon it, which has made it come up very quickly. People who, during a time in their lives have put a lot of weight on, such as a pregnancy, know all about it. The skin has to grow very quickly to give space to everything that is growing underneath it. Call it pregnancy, call it putting weight on.

So, in breasts it is the same thing. But it is a lot less frequent to have stretchmarks due to a breast enhancement with implants in the breasts than in the abdomen due to a pregnancy or weight gain.

After hundreds of breast enhancements, I have not had a single patient who has told me that stretchmarks have appeared due to it. Not one. But it is true that I have seen a patient operated on by a colleague, who came to the consultation years ago covered in stretchmarks. Lots of them. I will never forget it. A very young girl with a beautiful chest, very well operated, but with both breasts covered in enormous red stretchmarks. It shocked me. She was someone who was looking to improve her appearance and now saw herself even worse.

The reality is that it is very improbable that this happens. It’s very rare. And I’m sure that this patient had an intrinsic genetic predisposition towards stretchmarks. But the possibility exists.

It is best to have very hydrated skin before the enhancement. Apply a lot of hydrating cream before and after the surgery for various months. Also get implants of a reasonable size. Very big implants (which we don’t usually use) favour stretchmarks.

The patients must be advised that large implants are a mistake. There will be more stretchmarks with them but also, more capsular contracture, more breaks, more chronic pain, more asymmetries etc.

Do you have any doubts about breast surgery?

Ask them to Dr. Valverde!