Breast reduction

Many years, have usually passed, until a patient decides to go through with a breast reduction surgery, but one thing they do all have in common, is that all of them, always say the same “I should have done it earlier”.

When a patient has very large breasts, her quality of life decreases quickly. Many patients say they have neck pain, they cant find a swimsuit to fit, nor bra sizes to fit. Others comment that in the summertime they have sores where the folds of the skin rubs. The younger ones say that they can only find swinsuits and bikinis for older women. All of them are tired of such a large chest.

Its not necessary in this day and age, for them to suffer from having large breasts. Its a surgery that you could say, is routine, it consists in removing exactly the amount of volume that is extra, removing the excess skin and reducing the areola, which due to the size of the breast will be much bigger than usual. This is to obtain a bra size in acordance with the wishes of the patient, aswell as the characteristics of their body. Also, in all breast reductions, there will be a breast lift done at the same time as reducing the volume and weight of the breasts. The result is not just smaller breasts, but a slimmer figure, a more beautiful figure in harmony with the rest of the body, to give a better quality of life.

Under general aneasthetic and in aproximately three hours, we can do a breast reduction. Smaller breasts, and lifted. In their place.

Firstly we calculate how much volume is to be removed, and also the amount of skin. Once the breast is reconstructed and anchored to the muscle so as not to drop, we then use the laser Urgotouch so that the scar is the least visible as possible.

Duration of the intervention

2.5 – 4 hours. The more volume to be removed, the longer it takes.

Hospital Stay

24 hours

Time off work

15 days. If you have a physically strenuous job, it would be one month.


After 4 weeks you can start light exercise. After 3 months for any kind of sport.


Around the areola, from the areola to the fold and in the fold. With laser Urgotouch we can obtain better results.

reduccion mamaria reduccion mamaria
Reducción de mamas Reducción de mamas
Reducción mamaria Reducción mamaria

Frequently asked questions

Yes. The breast reduction, reduces the volume of the chest and lifts at the same time.

The surgery of breast reduction does not generate any type of illness. It does generate huge satisfaction of the patients, both physically and psycologically. They feel better, it usually eases the cervical pain, their clothes fit better etc.

You will need two weeks of rest so that the scars are strong enough to uphold active life. If you have a job that requires physical effort, we recommend that you wait for 4 weeks before returning.

You can carry out exercise and lift heavy objects  one month after surgery. If you can, I would recommend to not lift weights in the gym , which implies the use of the pectoral muscles, for at least a month and a half.

Mammary implants are dispositives destined to enlarge the volume of the breasts. When we are thinking about reducing the breast, we have too much volume. Which means is wouldnt make sense to use implants. Apart from the fact that an implant wont help for a breast not to droop (they actually make it more posible for this to happen) Its an increase of costs and risks that are totally unnecessary .

You can go back to sleeping face down one month after the surgery.

You can travel no problem by plane after the surgery.

This is not a problem. You can breast feed, if you wish, in the majority of the cases. Some patients can have a reaction to breast feeding depending on the surgery technique used.

We recommend that you use a sports bra during the first month after surgery. After this, and until 3 months after surgery, we recommend any bra, but without underwire. From your third month revisión you can wear any bra that you wish.

The scars on the breasts are inevitable. Many of them cant be seen as they are in the fold of the breast or coincide with the areola. Anyhow, there are many treatments that exist to improve the final result of the scar such as Urgotouch laser.

The result of the surgery is permanent, generally speaking. Growing older means we age and the chest over the years, can sag again, never like it was before. Pregnancies and breastfeeding can cause this too. Its rare that a patient needs a secondary reduction surgery, although if you gain alot of weight, or your tastes and preferences change and you want even smaller breasts. As no implants are used, these dont need to be changed and therefore, you can say that in general, patients who have had a breast reduction do not need any further breast surgery.

In general we recommend that any surgical intervention be from 18 years of age. In some cases, due to the psycological effects, the intervention could be from 16 years of age, with parental consent from both or one of the parents/tutors.

Primera Consulta

Your first consultation

At the first consultation, which is free and non compromisal, you will speak with our doctors. They will ask a few questions about basic health background and you can comment about what type of result you would like, what type of chest you are looking for. They will explain the surgical technique, the types of implants, the risks, the benefits and the costs. This consultation, can be in person or by video phonecall. You are in no way obliged, nor pressured, to fulfill the surgery after this informative consultation. Our team of surgeons will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Dia de la cirugia

On the day of surgery

The breast reduction surgery, is an intervention done under general aneasthetic and requires one nights stay in the hospital. You will be given a room upon arrival and then you will be taken to the operating theatre, where our doctors will speak with you and respond to any last minute questions. You will meet the rest of the surgical team, nurses, auxiliares etc. Photos and a video will be taken. We will mark the anatomy areas to be treated, they will explain once again where the incisions will be made. You will be given aneasthesia so there is no pain from the operated areas during your hospital stay. The organised incisions will be made and the excess volume removed as planned.Once the hemostasis is done, the excess skin is removedand breast lift executed and the wound closed. At this time we can use the laser Urgotouch so that the scar is less visible. The stitches are dissolvable so they do not need to be removed. Its not usual for drainage to be fitted. You will leave the operating theatre with a compressive bandage so that your breasts inflame the least possible.

En tu casa

At home

You will be accompanied by our team at all times, during your recuperation. You will have the compressive bandage as placed after the surgery which we will change at the next consultation, three or four days after surgery, and we will supply you with a sports bra which will need to be worn for the first month. You will need to take antibiotics and painkillers. Its normal that you may have some bruising which will disappear with the recommendations that we will give you. Our surgeons will tell you, how long before you can return to work. Also, when you can return to exercising or when you can drive again. Its better not to smoke until a few weeks have passed, as tobacco causes the scarring to take longer. The bruises and inflammation will reduce and after a couple of weeks you will see the final result. You will always have a contact telephone number, so you can call if you need anything, also in English.


Check ups

All of the check ups until given the all clear, are included in your quote. The patients return to our clinic 3-4 days after surgery, once discharged from the hospital. The next visit is a week after surgery, two weeks after, one month later, at three months and then finally at six months later and anything else you may need until the all clear is given. All of the check ups and cures are done by our plastic surgeons. The will dedicate all of the time necessary for you to feel comfortable and guided at all times. You will have the use of a telephone number to contact us with anything you need, also in English. If its the case that you are in another country, the frequency of the check ups is exactly the same, but obviously they will be done telematically.

¿Why Valverde & Arpino?

All plastic surgery is destined to improve how the patient sees themselves. The patients will feel better, after seeing the improvement. It will lift their self-esteem. Their self-confidence also. If you feel better about yourself, others will notice this and you will enter a positive spiral to want to look after yoursel more, to be healthier. All this results in a greater mental health. After many years and thousands of patients, we can say, that this will also happen with you.

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Our clinics are in Alicante, Benidorm and Denia. Here you can talk about costs, the possibility to finance and any other questions you may have.

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