Penis Enlargement

As seen from the statistics, the majority of men consider that they have a small or very small penis and they would like to enlarge it. Although we know, also from statistics, that the majority of men actually have a penis of what is considered a normal size, many men who know this, still think theirs is not big enough and this can provoke a feeling of unconfidence when having sexual relationships. For others effectively the size of their penis is less than the medium. In both cases, for desire or for necessity, the surgery to enlarge the penis, can help many men to feel better about themselves and give them the confidence that they need.

The penis enlargement, consists on a large scale, to make longer on one hand and wider on the other. To make it longer, what we do is make an incision above the insertion of the penis, of about 3 centimetres. Through this incision we dissect the tissues, until we find what is called the suspensory ligament and we delicately section. By doing this, the penis hangs longer. With this simple manouevre, we achieve between 2 and 4cm more in length. If the width of the penis also needs to be treated, the use of skin grafts can help us.

Also, for those patients who are overweight, its normal that there is an excess of fat in the pubic area, which produces an aspect of a smaller penis. By doing a liposuction in the pubic area we improve not only the pubis but with such a simple manouevre, that it makes the penis look longer.

Cirugía de alargamiento de pene

The intervention is done in an hour and a half approximately and under general anesthetic. The patient will stay in the hospital for 24 hours.


Enlarge the size of the penis in length and in width.

Type of anaesthetic


Side effects

Temporary pain, swelling, tightening of the skin, bruising.



Duration of the result

For life.

Duration of the intervention

1 - 2h.


24 hours


Two weeks.
Return to work: 3-7 days. Intense activity: 2-4 weeks

Final results

3-6 months.

Frequently asked questions about penis enlargement surgery

The result of a penis enlargement can be seen immediately. However the treatment at home is fundamental to achieve an adequate result, because we need to avoid that the ligament that we have “cut”, heals back to how it was.

At home it is fundamental to cure with iodine but also with the use of the Jes Extender. This is a dispositive witha traction for the penis, to lengthen and also avoid that the ligament heals and pulls in the penis. The constant daily use, during three to six months, is fundamental for the success of the surgery.

After 2 or 3 weeks. But only you will know when you are ready. At the beginning it will be uncomfortable.

Intimate surgery is uncomfortable. Its not painfull, just uncomfortable. When you sit down, go to the bathroom, when walking. At the beginning its annoying.

You can gain from 2 – 6cms, athough the most normal is for it to be 3-4cm. The width depends on the volume of fat we can introduce, if necessary.

Primera Consulta

Your first consultation

Your first consultation, is free and non compromisal, you will speak with our doctors. They will do a short study of your general health, you can explain what kind of result you are looking for, which areas you would like to improve. They will explain the surgical technique, the risks, the benefits and the costs. This consultation can be in person or by video phonecall. You will never feel obliged, nor pressured to fulfill the surgery after this informative consultation. Our team of surgeons will be happy to respond any question asked.

Dia de la cirugia

The day of surgery

The masculine intímate surgery is a surgery performed under general anesthetic, and requires a one nights stay in the hospital.You will be given your room upon arrival and then be taken to the operating theatre, where our doctors will see you and answer any last minute questions. You will meet the rest of the operating team, nurses, helpers etc. A video and photographs will be taken, so as to have the before surgery images. They will also mark the areas to be treated. They will explain again where the incisions will take place. Once asleep, the incisions will be made, after the infiltration of a liquid of local anesthetic and adrenalin so as to form the least amount of bruising and pain possible.The incision is made and thesuspensory ligament found and sectioned. They will close the wound with stitches that will fall out by themselves.

En tu casa

At home

You will be accompanied by our team at all times during your recuperation. We will explain how you should maintain the best intímate hygiene possible. You will take antibiotics and pain killers. Its normal that you may have some bruising, which will disappear bit by bit, with the recommendations that we will give, you may also have swelling of the pubis and penis.. Our surgeons will let you know when you can return to work. Also, when you can begin to exercise or drive. Its best that you dont drink alcohol nor smoke during a few weeks post surgery, as tobacco slows the healing process. The bruises and swelling, will ease and after a few weeks you will see the results.


Check ups

All of the revisions until given the all clear are included in the quote given. The patients have their first revisión 48-72 hrs after having left the hospital. The next visit is one week after surgery, then at 2 weeks, one month, 3 months and six months, plus any other time needed until given the all clear. All of the check ups and cures are done by our plastic surgeons. Dedicating all of the time necessary to make you feel looked after and guided at all times. You will be given a telephone number to be able to contact us at any time whenever you need us, also in English. In the case that the patient is from a foreign country, the frequency of the check ups, are exactly the same, but obviously needed to be done telematically.

¿Why Valverde & Arpino?

All plastic surgery is destined to improve how the patient sees themselves. The patients will feel better, after seeing the improvement. It will lift their self-esteem. Their self-confidence also. If you feel better about yourself, others will notice this and you will enter a positive spiral to want to look after yoursel more, to be healthier. All this results in a greater mental health. After many years and thousands of patients, we can say, that this will also happen with you.

VA - Doctores

Ask for a completely free and non compromisal appointment with our plastic surgeons

Our clinics are in Alicante, Benidorm and Denia. Here you can talk about costs, the possibility to finance and any other questions you may have.

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