
Request information supported by professionals regarding surgical and aesthetic medicine.

Cirugía mamaria secundaria
Aesthetic Surgery

My doctor did too much. I regret this

Secondary mammary surgery is in our practise clinic, one of the pathologies that is growing more frecuent than others. Patients who have had problems, those who are not happy with the result.

Blefaroplastia completa
Aesthetic Surgery

Complete Discreet Blefaroplasty

This patients case, of whom I greatly appreciate, is of a complete
blefaroplasty. Which is retouching the upper and lower eyelids.

Elevación mamaria sin implantes
Aesthetic Surgery

Breast lift without implants

This type of technique has the advantage that it is much less painful, and also,
much less invasive.

Lifting de la cara y párpados
Aesthetic Surgery

Face and Eyelid Lift after two weeks

When a patient comes for an appointment to obtain facial rejuvenation, its very
typical for them to show me in the mirror, pulling their face back with their
fingers and saying “ I would like it like this”

Hipertrofia mamaria virginal
Aesthetic Surgery

Virginal Breast Hypertrophy

What a name! What is this?? Well this is a name used by doctors for young women
who when their breasts began to grow, they were very large.

¡Tercera reducción mamaria!
Aesthetic Surgery

Third mamary reduction!

Today, we present you with a very exceptional case. I say exceptional because the patient was treated in two other centers where she previously had two other mamary reductions. She came to us for a third.

Blefaroplastia completa
Aesthetic Surgery

Complete Blefaroplasty

The complete Blefaroplasty is the surgery that treats the superior and inferior eyelids at the same time.

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