Breast enlargements

The breast augmentation surgery is one of those surgeries that most characterizes a Plastic Surgeon. If there is anything that we are known by, most commonly its by this surgery. If a woman is thinking about a breast augmentation, she knows, that us as Plastic Surgeons, are the ones who can help.

Through an incision of a few centimetres, inthe fold of the breast or in the areola, we make a pocket where the implant is introduced, This implant can be placed, under the muscle or above. The result is a stylized figure, in harmony with your body, you will feel more beautiful, you will have more confidence in yourself and your quality of life will improve drastically.

There are various types of implants. Depending on the size, the implants can be divided into, types of round implants or types of anatomical implants. The round implant, has exactly this shape, round, from the front and from the side. The anatomical implant has a shape decribed like a droplet of wáter. It has more volume under than above, more likeliness to a breasts natural shape.

aumento de pecho

Duration of the treatment

1 hour


24 hours

Time off work

7 days for office work. 15 days for more intensive jobs.


After 4 weeks you can begin to exercise softly. After 3 months for any sport.


In the fold of the breast or around the areola. With laser Urgotouch we can obtain better results.

Aumento mamario Aumento mamario
Aumento mamario Aumento mamario
Cirugía mamaria deportista Cirugía mamaria deportista

Frequently asked questions

In general we recommend that any surgical intervention be from 18 years of age. In some cases, due to the psycological effects of having an absence of breasts, the intervention could be from 16 years of age, with parental consent from both or one of the parents/tutors.

We have a system, that with a series of external implants you can see how you will be as soon as your first consultation.

In general 15 days is a reasonable lapse before returning to the majority of jobs. If your job requires a lot of movement, its better to add one or two weeks longer.

The pocket, which is the space where the implants are placed, can be made under or over the muscle. The decision depends on a lot of factors. The mammary volume previously of the patient, the type of exercise that the patient does, the type of breasts that the patient has. The surgery for breast augmentation is very individual. Every case is distinct and there is no one technique that works with everyone. At Valverde & Arpino we can assess your case and you will leave with a very clear idea of what we can do and why its best for your particular case.

You can go to the beach or the pool as soon as the wounds are completely closed, which is usually after two weeks.

You can carry out exercise and lift heavy objects  one month after surgery. If you can, I would recommend to not lift weights in the gym, which implies movement of the pectoral muscles, until at least three months have passed.

Breast prothesis last for many years. We have seen patients with prothesis of over 20 years of age and in perfect conditions. But you should know that although we use the best quality that exist on the market, they still need to be changed, they dont last a lifetime.

You can travel no problem by plane after the surgery. The implants do not explode nor anything like this.

By carring out a mammary ultrasound is ususally sufficient to know if everything is ok. In any case we have a protocol of check ups and the necessary tests depending on the time that has passed since your surgery. We will give you instructions of how to continue as the years pass.

We recommend that you use a sports bra during the first month after surgery. After this, and until 3 months after surgery, we recommend any bra, but without underwire. From your third month revision you can wear any bra that you wish.

The aspect of your breasts, after a pregnancy depends on the increase in volume that you have, the time you breast feed, if you have stretchmarks or not, etc etc. There are many factors involved making it difficult to say exactly.

In principal the prothesis are capable of enduring impacts of high energy. We have seen patients who have suffered traffic accidents of high energy and their prothesis were in perfect condition. Lets say, they withold very well, but everything has a limit.

There are many types of implants, according to its surface and composition, but in general we tend to divide between round or anatomical. The round implants give more volume on the upper area and the anatomical give a more natural result. It all depends on the breasts of the patient, of the patients  tastes and preferences. Our plastic surgeons will explain, in your particular case, which type of result can be found with each implant.

Primera Consulta

Your first consultation

At the first consultation, which is free and non compromisal, you will speak with our doctors. They will ask a few questions about basic health background and you can comment about what type of result you would like, what type of chest you are looking for. They will explain the surgical technique, the types of implants, the risks, the benefits and the costs. You will be given test implants to try to see how you will look, so you leave the clinic knowing how the end result will be. This consultation, can be in person or by video phonecall. You are in no way obliged, nor pressured, to fulfill the surgery after this informative consultation. Our team of surgeons will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Dia de la cirugia

On the day of surgery

The breast augmentation surgery, is an intervention done under general aneasthetic and requires one nights stay in the hospital. You will be given a room upon arrival and then you will be taken to the operating theatre, where our doctors will speak with you and respond to any last minute questions. You will meet the rest of the surgical team, nurses, auxiliares etc. Photos and a video will be taken. We will mark the anatomy areas to be treated, they will explain once again where the incisions will be made. You will be given aneasthesia so there is no pain from the operated areas during your hospital stay. The organised incisions will be made and the pocket designed in accordance to the implant chosen. Once the hemostasis is done, the implant is placed and the wound closed. At this time we can use the laser Urgotouch so that the scar is less visible. The stitches are dissolvable so they do not need to be removed. Its normal for drainage to be fitted. You will leave the operating theatre with a compressive bandage so that your breasts inflame the least possible.

En tu casa

At home

You will be accompanied by our team at all times, during your recuperation. You will have the compressive bandage as placed after the surgery which we will change at the next consultation, three or four days after surgery, and we will supply you with a sports bra which will need to be worn for the first month. You will need to take antibiotics and painkillers. Its normal that you may have some bruising which will disappear with the recommendations that we will give you. Our surgeons will tell you, how long before you can return to work. Also, when you can return to exercising or when you can drive again. Its better not to smoke until a few weeks have passed, as tobacco causes the scarring to take longer. The bruises and inflammation will reduce and after a couple of weeks you will see the final result. You will always have a contact telephone number, so you can call if you need anything, also in English.


Check ups

All of the check ups until given the all clear, are included in your quote. The patients return to our clinic 3-4 days after surgery, once discharged from the hospital. The next visit is a week after surgery, two weeks after, one month later, at three months and then finally at six months later and anything else you may need until the all clear is given. All of the check ups and cures are done by our plastic surgeons. They will dedicate all of the time necessary for you to feel comfortable and guided at all times. You will have the use of a telephone number to contact us with anything you need, also in English. If its the case that you are in another country, the frequency of the check ups is exactly the same, but obviously they will be done telematically.

¿Why Valverde & Arpino?

All plastic surgery is destined to improve how the patient sees themselves. The patients will feel better, after seeing the improvement. It will lift their self-esteem. Their self-confidence also. If you feel better about yourself, others will notice this and you will enter a positive spiral to want to look after yoursel more, to be healthier. All this results in a greater mental health. After many years and thousands of patients, we can say, that this will also happen with you.

VA - Doctores

Ask for a completely free and non compromisal appointment with our plastic surgeons

Our clinics are in Alicante, Benidorm and Denia. Here you can talk about costs, the possibility to finance and any other questions you may have.

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