
Am I too old to have breast implants?

We are living in an era of social, economic, occupational and political transformation which we do not know exactly where it will take us, but what is clear is that things will never be the same again.

The people of today are people who have a lot more information available than 20 years ago for example. Internet has revolutionised everything. Our life and the way we see life. We are now more conscious of the most wonderful things that we have within our reach. And in our lives, a person of 50 years old lives better and more actively than one of 30 years old compared to when I was born.

Every day we take better care of ourselves, we live more because we become ill less often (although the truth is that around us there exists misfortune and suffering), but in general a person of 60 is not an old person. They travel, dance, they have money, grandchildren, they do sports, have friends, go to the theatre, the cinema, go to the countryside, ski….

We are very active people until the age of 80 and even further in many cases. And this also translates in the aesthetics. Why do I have to be disappointed with my body when I am 70 years old? Well today science permits it to be different.

Women of 50, 60, 70 years old undergo surgical interventions every day all over the world. And with total safety. There is only one premise and it is of common sense, that the patient does not have any illnesses that could put them at risk. If the state of health in general is good, the patient can be operated on without any problems.

We must enjoy life to the fullest as long as it can be done without harming ourselves. And in Benidorm we see it daily.


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