
What is the average life span of an implant?

Or better said, how long will my implants last? Well it is an overriding question when undergoing a breast implant intervention.

Overriding question. Because changing an implant, is a medical act, specifically surgical which inevitably has a cost, both economically, as well as within work and family life. We mean that it would require retracting something from your savings for the management of this cost in the future and also within the planning of it.

So, there is no clear answer in medical literature but there are certain recommendations. The first is that the patients must carry out the follow up treatment. Even though at the moment there is nothing happening, if we revise, we will be able to see better if something is not going well in the future.

If all goes well during the lifespan of the implants, they can last for many years. If the implants are of good quality, they will last longer than if they are of worse quality. As we have to give a number, I would say that 15 is the number of years that if all goes well, we could say that these implants have completed their function and can be changed. Although each case is each case and for this reason must be very personalised and we must be very attentive.

Therefore, once you have decided to undergo a breast surgery with implants, think about how long they are going to last. You must also know that bigger implants tend to break more, they will contracture more and therefore those 15 years given as a reference will probably be too many in your case.

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