
How much does a breast implant weigh?

Surgeons do not usually speak of volume or weight when selecting an implant. We are guided by a series of measurements which we take from the thorax of the patient. But what we do is translate those measurements into a detail that can be more or less understandable to the patients.

From the outbreak of all of the incessant information in the internet and that written by operated patients regarding their cases, we have become accustomed to seeing in the internet that whatshername had one of 300. That someone from over there, 400. I had 200.

In the end during the consultations, when we use the testers on the patients, they want a number. A number which tells them how they will end up. We provide this number in cubic centimetres. But this doesn’t really say much to the patients.

So, an implant of 400cc weights approximately 400 grams. Therefore, a patient who eventually has an implant of 400 grams will end up with a total of 800 grams of silicone in the two breasts.

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