
MD Codes Tour Barcelona

Last weekend many of us doctors from Alicante attended the course given by Dr. Mauricio di Maio, sponsored by Allergan, in Barcelona, to be more precise, in the Institute of Ocular Microsurgery, the IMO.

Dr. di Maio is a Brazilian plastic surgeon globally renowned for having a very particular and very successful vision and technique within the treatment of facial ageing with fillers or injectables, in this case from the Allergan line, currently known as Vycross.

El MD Codes Tour

Dr. di Mario has created a series of codes and infiltration points with different volumes which standardise the activity and make the results reproducible and constant.

The study of the face is carried out through a series of areas and points which are evaluated and the quantity of product to inject is calculated.

And sincerely, the results are incredible. In our consultation we have been using the codification, depending on the area to be treat, for three years. The success of this radical technique is that it systemises and makes scientific something which up to now was “an art” and therefore greatly susceptible to “the art” of the doctor.

His vision, technique and ability make Dr. di Maio, the most important and most revolutionary aesthetic doctor on a global scale and it has been a pleasure to learn from the best.