
Can sport affect the result of my surgery?

Sport can affect the result of a surgery if it is carried out firstly, without following the instructions of the surgeon and secondly if it is done excessively.

Sport is movement. Movement prevents things from sticking. If you buy a glue for sticking porcelain or plastic, the first thing they tell you is not to touch it, move it or use it for 2 hours, 5 hours, etc. And this is because the glue has to stick.

With the body the exact same thing happens. The cicatrisation, is nothing more than the most natural glue that exists. It is an incredibly complex and incredibly intelligent process (I don’t know if something like this would ever have occurred to any of us). However, it is terribly sensitive. If you allow the body time to get better and scar, in the end it all heals well.

And sport does not help. In a surgery the movement helps the wounds to open. It produces tensions that the wounds and the stitches are not capable of supporting. But not just on the outside. Also on the inside. The scars are not just those of the skin. Everything scars. The fat, the muscle, the bone, absolutely everything. And although we only see that on the outside, it is inside as well.

Sport after a surgery; none at the beginning, a little afterwards and 3 months after with moderation. If you do contact, risk or aggressive sports, wait even longer. This way you will avoid problems and complications, upsets or bad results.

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