
Why are our operating times the best?

El tiempo.

I’m going to tell you a small obsession that I have had for the last few years. Time. In my work I love, and I’m obsessed with measuring time. How long it takes me to suture, how long the team takes to put the patient to sleep, how long the patient takes to wake up, how long they take to go up to the room. etc.

Many of the things that happen in surgery do not depend on me, on my knowledge or on my experience. Such as, for example, how long the warden takes in taking the patient from the room down to the operating theatre. But the things that do depend on me, are measured and then measured again so that I can think about how to improve the next time and how to do it in less time. Less time but always investing the necessary time to achieve the best result no matter how long it takes, because the most important thing is that everything is perfect.

After all of these years operating, I have been able to form a team around me that behaves in surgery like an orchestra. Our infirmary is basic to allow this to happen. We have operated together so many times that our nurses are ahead of us in such a way that no loss exists in this aspect. And operating with plastic surgeon Dra. Arpino, my wife, makes each step perfectly reproducible by both of us, behaving like two teams in one. There is no need to even speak in surgery because we all know what we have to do at each moment and in which order.

Additionally, before every double surgery or complicated surgery, the first thing I do before entering is revise each step, the order of the closure of the wounds, the intraoperative position so that all of us work at the same time and we don’t bother each other.

The operatory time is important. The less time, less anaesthetic complications. And therefore more safety for our patients. Greater experience, more safety. We work for the safety of the patient.

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