
Rupture of a breast prosthesis. Possible complications

The rupture of breast implants is something very infrequent. The cause is usually unknown although the most probable is their simple wear and tear. However there are cases which continue to puzzle me, such as broken implants a few months after the surgery or when only one of them breaks and the other is completely new when I remove them.

In this case the most important thing to do is explain and act. In fact it is vitally important to control the implants after their implantation.

The type of breakage that is most seen is that which we call intracapsular. The gel becomes confined within the scar created by the body around the implant. If an intracapsular exists there must also be an extracapsular. And this is currently much less frequent. This is when the silicone gel has left the capsule. You can tell because there are nodes in the armpit which contain small amounts of silicone. Important note: The silicone gel is completely inert in the human body. It is completely safe.

In the next 20-30 years there will probably be a technology that revolutionises breast surgeries and will mean that we will not need implants, but for now, this is what we have and it is very good. Improvable, yes, but very good. We have to know what we have and avoid its complications. For this reason it is very important to control them. Ask your surgeon which protocol he uses to control the implants. But don’t forget one thing. The person responsible for your implants is you. You have to be in control.

If you are interested in knowing more about implants, contact us andwe can answer your questions.