
Myths of plastic surgery (Chapter I)

This time I’m going to speak to you regarding certain myths of plastic surgery that I hear from patients and that I would hereby like to take advantage of this blog to try and disprove them:

I. Breast surgery hurts a lot.

Well not for everyone and not always. The pain is something that depends greatly of the pain threshold of the patient. There are patients that can accept a lot or control or withstand the pain and others who do not endure any. In the majority of patients the same things hurt and in the same way, therefore 90% of people behave the same when undergoing the same stimulations. If breast surgery is performed carefully, with a careful management of the tissues, with exquisite surgery, the pain is less. Also, if the surgeon performs blocking manoeuvres against the pain of the breast, both externally and interpectoral, the post operatory pain is almost null. And logically, with adequate pain killers in the post operatory period. Many times I have seen patients of other colleagues, with very little medication prescribed, patients who are under medicated for reasons I cannot understand.

II. Plastic surgery is for superficial, conceited or posh people:

Another thing that needs to be demystified. It is true that plastic surgery, for many many years, was something that famous people did in luxurious clinics in Madrid or Barcelona in order to appear in the ‘Corazon’ magazines. Back then there were no plastic surgeons in many of the provinces of the country and the prices were astronomical. Until the now extinct ‘ Corporación Dermotestética’ was born and democratised the surgery and the loans to ‘buy’ it. It became so popular that any person that wanted to, could undergo an operation and improve their appearance. And it shouldn’t be heard that plastic surgery is only for pretty woman who want a bigger chest. To be honest those types of patients are truly a minority. The majority of my patients are patients who want to feel good and look good for themselves. They have seen how their children have ‘destroyed’ their abdominal muscles, they have breasts so big that they cannot stand the pain in their necks any longer, they have lost so much weight that the abdominal ‘skirt’ produces fungus and redness.

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