Dilated capillaries

Mainly on the legs, unsightly red capillaries are formed and sometimes turn violet which are like ramifications. It is much more frequent in women and are usually due to a bad venous return or even due to hormones. They are cosmetically speaking, troublesome. But not only cosmetically. To some patients they produce pain and heaviness in the legs.

Through small infiltrations in these veins, with a sclerosing product, we achieve that these capillaries disappear.

Duration of the treatment

About 30 minutes from start to finish. Various sessions are required to obtain the desired result.

Side effects

Stinging, Temporary redness. Maybe a bruise in the injection point.

Type of anaesthetic

Not required.

Duration of result

1 year. Maintenance sessions are recommended.

Frequent questions

The treatment with vascular sclerosis is a treatment that should be done in winter, as the hours of sunlight and its strength are much less. You should use sun protection in the treated area if you are exposed to the sun.

You can repeat the treatment. And also, you usually need various sessions to obtain the desired result. We will assess you of the number of sessions that you may need.

When you return to the next session you will tell us that you can see an improvement. And each time it will improve even more.

To treat the same area, we should wait about ten days between one session and another.

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