Chin enhancement

Your chin is an important part of your facial structure especially when observing your profile. A chin which is too big or too small affects the appearance of the rest of your face. A disproportioned chin removes the facial harmony and will make your nose appear bigger or smaller than it really is. Even when the chin enhancement is performed principally to improve the shape, sometimes nasal surgeries require a modification of the chin to optimize the maximum results of a rhinoplasty.

Just like any other intervention, the type of chin modification varies significantly between patients. Some patients benefit from a great projection and others a greater width. These and other cases are determined in the consultation with our plastic surgeons.


Enhancement of the chin with fat or prosthesis.

Side effects

Slight asymmetry may appear.

Duration of result


Duration of the treatment

1 hour.


Normally outpatient


7-10 days for the bruising to disappear. The swelling will disappear in 3-4 weeks.

Frequent questions

Logically it depends on the type of work that the patient has. A job which requires a lot of physical effort is not the same as another which is to be sat in front of a computer all day. If in your job you have to use your arms a lot we recommend at least ten days rest and if your job requires less physical effort, four or five days should be sufficient.

You can go to the beach or the pool from the moment that the wounds are completely closed which is usually within two weeks

You can exercise and lift heavy objects a month after the surgery. You should avoid any contact sport where the chin may get hit for three months.

Immediately, without wetting the wounds.

We recommend that you sleep on your back after surgery with your head elevated.

You can go out in the sun, not direct sunlight, after the stitches have been removed, which is usually after 15 days. If you are going to the beach you have to wear 50+ sun protection on the scars.

You can travel perfectly on an aeroplane after the surgery.

We will show you photographs from previous cases so that you can get a more detailed idea of the final result.

After the surgery you will be irritated. It will not be pain, but irritation. You will have the sensation of aching, stiffness and some pressure. You will take medication for the pain which means that you will have more irritation at bed time, due to the bandage, the antibiotic etc. which will provoke discomfort more than pain.

The scar of a chin enhancement coincides with the natural fold of the neck just below the chin so it is very concealed. However, multiple treatments exist which improve the final result of scars such as silicon patches, rosehip oil, creams, laser, etc. etc. although most of the patients do not require any additional treatment due to the quality of them.

You should avoid taking aspirin or any other medication which provokes anticoagulation. Let us know if you usually take vitamin supplements or medicinal plants. Some make the blood coagulate more slowly.

That the chin does not get hit so that the prosthesis heals in the correct place.

In general, we recommend that any surgical intervention be performed when the patient is over 18 years old. In some cases, due to the psychological effects that can be provoked due to the chin being back, for example, the intervention can be carried out from 16 years on, with of course, the consent of one of the parents or tutors.

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