
Dimple Creation Surgery

An operation, very unknown in Spain, but very widespread in other countries such as the Middle East, is the surgery to create dimples. Its an operation, that i like to do. Its easy, quick, painless and yes, can be done in our clinic.

It consists of the following. You make an incision inside the mouth, near to where you want the dimple. Seperate the mucous tissues the roman way, with great care. Until you reach the skin. Once there, use a monofilament stitch of long duration PDS type and basically provoke a traction of the skin downwards, because this is what creates the depression. Close the incision of the mucous of the inside of the mouth and all done. In half an hour, all finished. However the results do take a few months to become visible.

Hoyuelos Hoyuelos
Hoyuelos Hoyuelos
Hoyuelos Hoyuelos

Are you interested in dimple creation surgery?

The first date is totally free!

Surely you have many questions about your case and the surgery and aesthetic medicine treatments.

Do not be afraid to take the first step: the first consultation is free and without any commitment. We will study your case and explain the possible treatments available.