Treatment of the Jowl with Belkyra

Belkyra is the newest treatment from the commercial house, Allergan, and we are proud to be the first in Alicante and the third in Spain to perform it. It promises to be a new revolution based on science and experience.

Its mission is to destroy the fat that is in the jowl and below the chin. As simple as it is efficient.

Belkyra is composed of an acid which presents a very particular characteristic. This acid has an avidity, a natural tendency to go towards the cells that have fat. Because of this, by introducing it through minimal injections under the skin, it acts directly on the fat cells of the jowl.

In just a few weeks you will start to see the results.


Small incisions in the area of the jowl in points previously established and separated by a centimetre.

Type of anaesthetic

Topical cream.

Side effects

Five minutes after the first inoculation, a slight burning sensation will start but can be calmed with cold presses. After 48 hours a very moderate oedema and inflammation will occur and which is normally noticed by the patient for about 7 days.

Duration of the treatment

We use an anaesthetic cream which takes 30 minutes to take its maximum effect. Once the cream has been removed, the product is injected in less than 4 minutes.

Number of sessions

It is considered a normal treatment the realisation of two sessions separated by a month and a half.

Duration of result

We use an anaesthetic cream which takes 30 minutes to take its maximum effect. Once the cream has been removed, the product is injected in less than 4 minutes.

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