
CoolSculpting: The Ultimate in Localized Fat Removal

"CoolSculpting Elite reduces up to 27% of fat in each session without the need for surgery"

Valverde & Arpino has incorporated the CoolSculpting Elite treatment into its Benidorm practice. This technique based on the application of cold, manages to eliminate fat without surgery, without recovery time and without pain. It is backed by studies in the best scientific journals and approved by the US FDA and the CE. Dr. Alessia Arpino tells us the details of this new technology that is revolutionizing aesthetic medicine.

What is the origin of the CoolSculpting Elite technique?

CoolSculpting is a method based on cryolipolysis, an extraordinary discovery.

Researchers from Harvard University noted that children who consumed ice lollies had hollow cheeks. Dr. Dieter Mainstein and Dr. R. Rox Anderson of the Wellman Centre for Photomedicine at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston were interested in this fact and began the investigations. They found that ice could selectively damage pockets of fat, without affecting skin or deep tissues.

This is the science behind the CoolSculpting Elite treatment, developed by the Zeltiq Company and which Valverde & Arpino now offers for the first time in Benidorm.

Coolsculpting Elite

What advantages does it offer compared to other aesthetic surgery or aesthetic medicine techniques?

The great advantage is that CoolSculpting Elite manages to reduce excess fat WITHOUT surgery.

There is no need to go into an operating room, recovery is immediate and allows instant reincorporation to work and social life. You don’t have to take days off or rest. Unlike liposuction, there is also no need to wear girdles after treatment.

Therefore we avoid the operating room, anaesthesia and its possible complications.

For which type of patients or needs is this technique indicated?

CoolSculpting is indicated to reduce localized fat in the abdomen, flanks, arms, inner thighs, saddlebags, double chin and fat of the male chest. It is not a treatment to lose weight, it is a process to eliminate the fat that stays there even if we have an ideal weight and we take care of ourselves. In each session a reduction of up to 27% in the thickness of the fat is achieved, which accumulates as the sessions are repeated until the desired result is achieved.

How is the treatment applied? Does it require the use of a specific device?

The first thing we do is take photographs. The skin to be treated is then cleaned and after applying a conductive gel, the appropriate terminal is placed depending on the area to be treated. Upon activation of CoolSculpting Elite, the device lowers the temperature of the fat (and only the fat) to -11 ° C to destroy those cells. At the end of the session, a massage is performed that facilitates the assimilation of dead cells through the lymphatic system and their subsequent elimination through the urine.

Is anaesthesia or medication required to perform the treatment?

The treatment does not require any procedure before or after the session, not even a compression girdle. It is perfectly bearable. There is slight discomfort at the beginning of the session, but afterwards patients often entertain themselves with their favourite series on their mobile, or they talk on the phone or with the clinic staff until the session is over, which lasts 1- 3 hours.

How many sessions does it take to start seeing results?

The results begin to be appreciated the month after the first session and during the following two months there is a gradual elimination through apoptosis (death of fat cells). There is no pain or repercussions to the body. Normally, one or two treatment cycles will already achieve satisfactory fat reduction results.

CoolSculpting Elite

Are the results obtained long lasting?

The fat cells that we treat with CoolSculpting Elite simply do not return. So the result will be stable over time as long as the weight is kept under control. It is important to watch your diet and practice regular physical activity to maintain weight.

How fast is the recovery and what are the possible side effects?

The CoolSculpting Elite treatment is approved by the United States Drug Agency (FDA) and by the CE, for which it is required to meet the most demanding quality and safety standards in the world. It is present in more than 74 countries and more than 5 million treatments have been performed. Therefore, it is a safe technique with minimal side effects.
Recovery is immediate. The only thing that patients who undergo a treatment with this technique may notice is a slight transient redness in the area, some tingling, itching or a feeling of stiff skin that lasts for a few days. All these symptoms disappear.

Are there any contraindications?

There are few contraindications, but that is why a thorough medical history must be carried out beforehand. The treatment should not be carried out in pregnant or lactating women. It is also not an adequate treatment for patients with Raynaud’s syndrome, pacemakers and some skin diseases. For the rest of the population, CoolSculpting Elite is safe and effective.

How is this treatment being received among the patients of your clinic?

We are already very satisfied with the results of the patients we have treated with CoolSculpting Elite. It is cutting edge technology and our patients always ask us for the best. Those who have tried it have been very happy and recommend us because, in addition to offering them a state-of-the-art treatment, we provide them with the best care from the professionals who work in our offices in Alicante and Benidorm.

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¿Do you want to know more about CoolSculpting Elite?

Find out all the details about this treatment here.