
Is it possible to have a pain-free breast enhancement?

Is it possible to have a pain free breast enhancement is a question I asked myself 10 years ago, and it has been  these past 10 years which allow me to say yes in the majority of my patients and I’m going to explain why.

How is it possible to have a pain-free breast enhancement?

The first thing that needs to be explained is why a breast enhancement can hurt. Pain caused by a breast enhancement starts from the moment of the first incision which we have to do to insert the implant.  The act of cutting the skin already provokes trauma.

Then we have to design a space (dissect a pocket) where we can leave the implant. This ‘space’ creates a new trauma. There are two types of pockets.

The ones that we do on top of the muscle and the ones that we do underneath the muscle. I fit the majority of my implants underneath the muscle, this way I have less complications such as a capsular contracture or rippling, the feeling is better and there are many other advantages with the use of this angle that the subfascial or subglandular angles do not have.

There is also pain which is due to the distention provoked by the volume of the implant in the skin and in the tissues. The implant stretches the tissues, it makes them undergo tension and this hurts. Therefore, more volume, more distention and therefore more pain.

A few years ago I incorporated into my daily practice and in all my breast surgeries, a complete  anaesthesia  aimed directly to the breast and to the muscle  in such a way that everything I cut,   touch or manipulate is  infiltrated with long-lasting anaesthesia.

When selecting the tissues with the infiltration they do not hurt as much. Additionally, the post-operative association of a personalized dose of oral analgesics can mean that the majority of my patients do not have any pain after a breast enhancement.

I say majority because, pain also has a personal and particular component, but after the study of clinical histories from the last 5 years, only 7% of the patients said that they had been in pain.

The rest of my patients considered that it had not hurt at all or almost not at all and if it did they had the pain completely under control.

¡Ask for an appointment in our clinic and find out how we can help you!!