Pectoral augmentation

Feminine breast surgery has been very popular for a long time. Enhancements and reductions of the chest are performed frequently, a success which every time is increasing. It is not surprising that many men would also like to enhance their chests (Pectoral augmentation) through plastic surgery.

Some bodies do not achieve a muscular tone and the definition of the chest as easily as others. Even with exercise some men do not obtain the desired result. The intervention of a pectoral implant is performed to increase the shape and the size of the chest, inserting solid silicone implants under the muscle.

Just like other cosmetic procedures, this offers the possibility to aesthetically highlight this area of the body through surgery, when there are no other alternatives. The masculine pectoral implants are designed to define the shape of the chest.

The pectoral implants can help the self-esteem of people who feel ashamed by their appearance. In the hands of an expert surgeon, the result is a natural, athletic appearance and a more proportioned torso. The aim is that an implant looks as natural and as real as possible.


Enhance the pectoral area with implants.

Type of anaesthetic


Side effects

Small scars.

Duration of result


Duration of the treatment

2 hours.


Admission for 24 hours.


Return to work in 7 days, 4 weeks to carry out more physical activities.

Frequent questions

Logically it depends on the type of work the patient has. A job that requires a lot of physical effort is not the same as another that doesn’t need as much. If you have to strain yourself in your job, we recommend at least 15 days rest and if you are a person with less strain in your work, 7 days should be sufficient.

You can go to the beach or the pool from the moment that the wounds are completely closed which is usually within two weeks

You can exercise and lift weight a month after the surgery. If you can, we recommend that you do not lift weights in the gym which implies moving the muscles of the thorax, for a month and a half.

From the third/fourth day you can shower normally. You cannot bathe for at least 15 days.

During the first two weeks we recommend that you sleep face up. After that you can sleep as normal.

You can go out in the sun after we have removed the stitches which is usually after two weeks. If you are going to the beach you have to wear 50+ sun protection on the scar.

You can travel perfectly on an aeroplane after the surgery.

You should wear a corset for a month.

We will show you photographs from previous cases so that you can get a more detailed idea of the final result.

After the surgery you will be irritated. It will not be pain, but irritation. You will have the sensation of aching, stiffness and some pressure. You will take medication for the pain which means that you will have more irritation at bed time, due to the bandage, the antibiotic etc. which will provoke discomfort more than pain.

The scar of a pectoral enhancement usually coincides with a crease that is under the arm. Therefore, it is not a scar that is easily seen. With the passing of time it improves greatly making it practically imperceptible. However, multiple treatments exist which improve the final result of scars such as silicon patches, rosehip oil, creams, laser, etc. etc.

You should avoid taking aspirin or any other medication which provokes anticoagulation. Let us know if you usually take vitamin supplements or medicinal plants. Some make the blood coagulate more slowly.

Nothing in particular. You should carry out normal cleansing of the wound with Betadine, take the medication that we recommend and come to the follow-up visit when we ask you to.

In general, we recommend that any surgical intervention be from 18 years and over, in some cases, due to the psychological effects caused by a serious hypoplasia on one side of the body or asymmetry of any type, we can indicate this surgery from 16 years on, always with the authorisation of a parent or tutor.

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