Secondary Cosmetic surgery

Secondary breast surgery or “revision of breast surgery” is as popular as a primary breast surgery. Nowadays, we live more than 80 years which means that during our life the desired breast size is different at every stage. If we take 100 women with breast enhancements and follow them for 30 or 40 years, we would find that most of these women have had at least one additional surgery. The most common is that the breast enhancement patients need a secondary surgery during their life.
There are many reasons to need a new breast surgery. The most common are: changes related to pregnancy such as breast feeding or the laxity of the skin which is produced simply with the passing of time. But there are other causes, less frequent, but still possible: Infection and bleeding during the post operatory period which can occur approximately in 1-2% of patients who have had operations. In another small percentage, what can also happen is what is dominated as a capsular contracture which is nothing more than the hardening of the capsule which is normally formed around the prosthesis but in this case hardens and can sometimes even be painful.
Secondary cosmetic surgery frequently requires a better technique and better precision and ability than in the first surgery.
Each patient has different needs and because of this, requires a personalised attention. In the consultancy of Dr. Valverde and Dr. Arpino they will dedicate time and attention to discuss your anatomy and your needs in order to choose the most adequate surgical technique which will provide a natural aspect to your new figure.
Other interventions of Plastic Sugery that have already been carried out such as a liposuction, a previous breast enhancement or even a face lift require a “retouch”. With the passing of time it is probable that you will want another rejuvenating surgery. Please, contact our qualified Plastic Surgeons, Dr. Valverde and Dr. Arpino.

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